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Teflon tape 12x0,075x10m [Gufero]Teflon tape 12x0,075x10m [Gufero]
Teflon tape 12x0,075x10m [Gufero]Teflon tape 12x0,075x10m [Gufero]
Teflon tape 12x0,075x10m [Gufero]Teflon tape 12x0,075x10m [Gufero]
Teflon tape 12x0,075x10m [Gufero]Teflon tape 12x0,075x10m [Gufero]

Teflon tape 12x0,075x10m

| 6 Customer reviews
Manufacturer Gufero
Product SKU 12612
Availability > 10 pieces ready to ship
19 Kč incl. VAT

Plumbing PTFE sealing tape

Unsintered Plumbing PTFE sealing tape GUFERO according to DIN EN 751/3 is made from 100% PTFE (, also polytetrafluorethen ). Plumbing PTFE sealing tape GUFERO is suitable for use on metal or plastic threads. This Seal is easy to install and handle is adapted to any dimension and the surface of different diameters. When used in plumbing industry replaces Plumbing PTFE sealing tape glue and hemp seal.


  • In very uneven sealing surfaces
  • When alternating temperatures
  • High pressure
  • When the seal tight coupling parts


  • Wide range of application
  • Durability
  • Easy installation and removal
  • Minimum waste material
  • More cost-effective than gaskets
  • High chemical resistance
  • The tape is not subject to aging


  • Thickness 0,075 mm, width 12 mm, length 10 m
  • Minimum and maximum temperature: -170 ° C to 280 ° C
  • Maximum pressure: 210 bar


PTFE belongs to a group polyhalogenolefíns, which include eg. i PCTFE - polytrifluormonochlorethylen. Include thermoplastics, although it has some properties that are typical for thermosets. The melting point of PTFE is about 327°C, but its properties are changed at the temperature of 260°C above the temperature of 350°C with decomposition occurs, burning at 500 to 560°C.


GUFERO was founded in 1989 and primarily the main focus was distribution especially V-belts and other sealing units. Thanks to its high quality and very low prices Gufero subsequently elaborate to be considered as one of the most significant suppliers of of these products. The assortment was soon expanded to include other goods, such as PTFE tapes, hoses, anti-vibration mountings (Silentblocks) etc.

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