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Airsoft cleaning wipes [Abbey]Airsoft cleaning wipes [Abbey]
Airsoft cleaning wipes [Abbey]Airsoft cleaning wipes [Abbey]

Airsoft cleaning wipes

| 2 Customer reviews
Manufacturer Abbey
Product SKU 6181
Availability 2 pieces ready to ship
95 Kč incl. VAT

Abbey Airsoft Wipes – New Improved Formula, not silicone based.

Regular cleaning ensures the BBs can move freely along the barrel with minimal friction which allows for optimised accuracy and power, leading to more shots hitting the target. Removing dirt and moisture from your gun is vital to keep performing at your best which is why we have created new Airsoft Cleaning Wipes to allow easy cleaning of airsoft guns in any situation.

The package contains 10 pieces of small cleaning wipes, each 5 x 3 cm in size and a bottle of liquid.

Instructions for Use

  • Place a small amount of the liquid in the bag to soak the outer wipes.
  • Place one of the wipes into your cleaning rod and then insert into the barrel of the gun whilst using a twisting motion.
  • Stop once you have reached the hop-up mechanism at the end of your barrel as touching this may cause damage if too much pressure is applied.
  • Once you reach the hop-up, remove the cleaning rod slowly and dispose of the wipe.
  • Repeat as necessary.
  • DO NOT put all the liquid in at once otherwise it will leak from the bag.


  • Quick and easy removal of moisture and other contaminants
  • No sticky residue being left behind
  • Prevents future build ups from occurring
  • Maintains the performance of your weapon for longer

Ubrousky se navlékají do očka čistící tyčky, jenž obvykle bývá součástí zbraně. Čistíme krouživým pohybem až po HopUp. A zpět. Po použití se ubrousek vyhazuje.

Balení obsahuje 10 kusů malých čistících ubrousků, každý o velikosti 5 x 3 cm a lahvičku s tekutinou. Pokud je tedy nastříháte na ideální proužky široké 1cm, pak z jednoho balení lze vyčistit hlaveň cca 30x. Tedy za předpokladu, že každý proužek použijete jen jednou.

Abbey Supply Ltd.

The England company Abbey Supply Ltd. started in 1975 by producing silicone based lubricants for airgunners, and now expanded the range to include greases, oils, sprays and cleaning cloths. Abbey Supply has developed a range of airsoft propellant gases and other products for airsoft enthusiasts which provide consistent and accurate shooting as well as maximum power and performance. The company has steadily increased its innovative range of gun cleaning and gun care products to include silicone lubricant, greases, oils, sprays and more.

Rated by 2 customers
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