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PSS series cylinder opener [Laylax]PSS series cylinder opener [Laylax]
PSS series cylinder opener [Laylax]PSS series cylinder opener [Laylax]
PSS series cylinder opener [Laylax]PSS series cylinder opener [Laylax]
PSS series cylinder opener [Laylax]PSS series cylinder opener [Laylax]
PSS series cylinder opener [Laylax]PSS series cylinder opener [Laylax]
PSS series cylinder opener [Laylax]PSS series cylinder opener [Laylax]

PSS series cylinder opener

Manufacturer Laylax
Product SKU 6252
Availability 4 pieces ready to ship
349 Kč incl. VAT

Key for sniper rifles cylinder head. Anti-slip grip for better tightening. With chain for allocation on your keys or vest. Compatible with cylinder head for VSR and Made in Japan.


is an airsoft upgrade parts maker. Plan, design, and develop airsoft upgrade parts to satisfy and please all airsoft fans & players around the world. Offer not only custom upgrade parts but also tactical gears and variety of supplies, necessary for airsoft game. Brands of LayLax are eg. Prometheus, PSS, NineBall, Nitro.